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Weekly Update

June 9, 2018

Welcome to the Bollinger Bands Letter Weekly Update for Saturday June 9, 2018.

The US stock market continues in good form. All the advance-decline lines we track are at new highs and stock-market internals are strong across the board. In addition the market is still able to shrug off bad news while focusing on good news. The only potential cloud on the horizon is some under-performance by the international indices, which could be cured rather quickly. Steady as she goes. If you need to add exposure use a small- or mid-cap ETF like IWM, IJR, IJH or MDY.

There are no changes to the ETF portfolios this week.

There are no changes to the portfolios this week, maintain all positions including our speculative trades if you made them.

I’ll be back in the office Tuesday. If you need anything just email or call.

The Value Line Program is in the market. With the Value Line Geometric at 579.93, the Friday sell stop is 566.69.

The ETF Program portfolio holdings:

Style (21): IJT, 1, IWF, 7, IWO, 6.

Country (21): EWS, 11, EWU, 2, EWH, 1.

Sector (27): XLK, 5, PSJ, 1, XLY, 3.

Our allocations are 50% US stocks, 10% international, 10% gold, 10% yield and 20% cash.

Aggressive accounts should be 60% stocks, 10% cash.

Details on our Allocations, Ice Breaker positions and ETF portfolios along with our Market Timing Chart Package can be found here:

Until next time, I wish you well.

John Bollinger, CFA, CMT

Copyright 2018 by Bollinger Capital Management, Inc.



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